Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Impact of IT on Telecommunication for Development- myassignmenthelp

Question: Write about theImpact of IT on Telecommunication for Development. Answer: Introduction There is a huge development in the current telecommunication sector and it will also continue to gain development in telecommunication sector as well as industries. Specifically, digital based technology which is able to integrated different kind of transmission where the process of switching and processing along with retrieval of data actually give options to actually combine other services with right kind of integration (Gatautis, 2015). The report will discuss in detail about the impact and role of IT in organization. Need of IT in Telecommunication Rapid amount of innovation in IT has introduced the concept of so many traditional as well as distinct information based services increasingly associated. The overall trend in the current era is usually based on the overall convergence of so many modes of services and the outcome is actually drastic in telecommunication products as well as services. One advantage of concept of convergence based on service modes is actually related to economies of scale and there are varied kinds of information that can be provided in many kinds with the help of media at affordable cost (Tarut? and Gatautis, 2014). All kinds of advantages can later be lost without proper reevaluation of so many regulatory based guidelines which in normal circumstances have been organized in proper manner and are also based on other kind of services. In addition, with invention of different form of transistors and the continuous development of so many form of solid state is based on circuit technology and it can lead to many revolutionized IT bringing a lot of innovation on the basis of digital based transmission, switching on digital technology and computers. The introduction of optical fibers or photodiodes and other type of photonic machines allowed a light wave kind of communication over so many distances (Tong et al., 2015). There are important systems as well in current modern communication that have been associated with innovation and are also connected with so many electronic devices. With rise in telecommunication based technology, there is rise in digital and computer based issues which also give rise in cost of development of software as well as overall production. At the same time, advancement in device based technology which is lowering with hardware costs along with software costs. The rise is also because of constant demand for high sophistication with different kinds of software along with high amount of labor cost related with development in production and software (Keller and Heiko, 2014). There are so many kinds of tools and technique consisting structured based programming comes up with high amount of improvement in productivity of software. At the same time, the progress is required right before the company starts accomplishing dramatic improvement in production and evaluation based testing. Importance of IT for Business Survival Following are advantages of telecommunication in different sectors: - Infrastructure: the concept of infrastructure is simple yet physical kind along with right organizational structure that are required for the activities of a company. The word basically related to many technical structures that helps the society like water supply, telecommunication and roads (Oye et al., 2014). The whole process is viewed in functional manner and requirement of infrastructure in the production of goods and services are also considered very crucial. Agriculture: - there was a time when people working in this sector in specific countries were in a bad condition since they lack with information related the weather. Information technology and telecommunication deeply impact the foundation of agriculture because knowledge about new technologies and news helps in expanding the base for the agriculture. Revolution and advanced technological development in telecommunication sectors, the farmers can take complete advantage of many telecom based devices (Haddon, 2016). Farmers can also discuss the issues with so many experts and can further take the advice associated to farming by utilizing different kinds of telecommunication based devices. Education: there is rise in literacy rate in many developing countries all across the world. Since there is a development, information technology in telecommunication is playing a big part. There are so many parts of the world where teachers and good education aids can reach the kids and telecommunication now make it possible (Haddon, 2016). With the proper utilization of internet, a teacher can teach from distant places. Presence of multimedia have further helped students to understand the subject as well as they in reality sees so many things actually happening with proper appearance in so many exams by utilizing the online services. Requirement of IT into Telecommunication In telecommunication industry, satellites as well as technology related to optical fibers plays a big role in technologies and also contribute importantly in the globalization of present telecommunication based services. The process of standardization as well as interoperability of all the current systems that have become an international challenge as there is presence of properly compatibility along with measure based on regulatory systems that make sure that current free trade in telecommunication services and products actually helps. The processes of telecommunication are also quite indispensable in current socioeconomic functions based on trust as well as security related to telecommunications services (Haddon, 2016). It further has emerged as a main challenge and in the current information age, retrieval of information is based on gaining some significance. In addition there are issues which surface and based on some kind of integrity and maintaining the authenticity of the data to be given as well as saving the privacy. Use of IT in Telecommunication Industry Usage of IT is crucial in telecommunication industry as discussed in the report. There is acquisition stage where reporting of sales as well as monitoring is related to so many things. In a typical setup, the overall sales will actually spill on the basis of product type (Zhang and Liu, 2015). The customer management also become the important concern and it is important to look at things at monthly spend and also be able to pack and use it. There are also so many kinds of plans that a consumer is on and along with some additional plans. Risks of IT in Telecommunication Industry There are so many challenges which telecommunication industry faces in the present digital age. Communication tools are primarily based on the Interne like Twitter and other social media platforms that have immensely reduced the usual or tradition revenue of operators in telecom like voice calls or SMS. The company also tries to ignore becoming simple channels based data in the present age of technology (Law et al., 2014). Methods to Maintain and Monitor IT in Telecommunication Industry When any industry goes through some transformations, employees in a traditional set up become redundant and usually end up losing their jobs and there are newly emerging sectors that are suffering from lack of employees. The current transformations in structure have also brought largely by IT and it must not be considered as an exception. There are skilled workers like the people who collect with telecommunication tools and also lose the work to large scale integration and rising use of technology. There are few devices along with maintenance crew that helps in switching the unit that is required because of digitalization. There is also a threat on general office employees that get threatened by quick penetration of present word processors and other tools based on automations (Roztocki and Weistroffer, 2015). Other than this, there are many job options that are being developed in those areas of software production. As well as there are also extensive training as well as education that will help in facilitating a smooth movement of labor to actually come up as emerging base. Telecommunication based services have also become a international in terms of scales, challenges and there are issues in standardization as well which are based on maintaining some amount of interoperability that exist between the systems and tools that have become very crucial. The process of standardization is challenging to accomplish for many reasons. There must be a pace related to innovation in present technology world which is very fast (Roztocki and Weistroffer, 2015). Conclusion Telecommunication plays a vital part in everybody life and the companies have been very successful over the year because of constant improvement in their product base and also changing the terms of gaining some benefits over competition. These technologies usually have a right flow from so many developed base of market along with developing market with right kind of lag time (Ogutu et al., 2014). It is important to understand that now is the time to have proper connectivity as well as functions that can lag some amount of time and which is continuously changing and decreasing features on an international launch of technology. Reference Gatautis, R., 2015. The impact of ICT on public and private sectors in Lithuania.Engineering Economics,59(4). Haddon, L., 2016.The social dynamics of information and communication technology. Routledge. Keller, J. and Heiko, A., 2014. The influence of information and communication technology (ICT) on future foresight processesResults from a Delphi survey.Technological Forecasting and Social Change,85, pp.81-92. Law, R., Buhalis, D. and Cobanoglu, C., 2014. 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